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February 3, 2021


"Years from now, it may come into question, “In 2020 was there really a Coronavirus? Did ya'll really have to wear a mask? Was it true that everything really shut down?” If your facial expression and thoughts are similar to mine- To a resounding YES!
Well tonight's reading, “Why is Everything Closed? A Coronavirus Tale written by Lauren Patterson confirms the truth for sure.
Author Lauren Patterson, brings her unique flair to telling the story of the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic and its effect told through the lens of family, safety, and love.
She is an awesome creative with a genuine storytelling vibe. Her authenticity and rich characters captivate readers to relate and feel a sense of belonging.
Thank you for being real on tonight .. and showing your heart.. As many people have lost loves ones during Pandemic and currently experiencing the loss of a love one.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family. We know that Uncle Gene is smiling down on you and dancing in Heaven for the celebration of this book that keeps his legacy and memory alive forever.
To purchase tonight’s book see the comments section below.
Thank you, Author Lauren Patterson for a heartfelt story that shows that indeed We are Family!"- Gloria Ann Kitchens

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